Fluke i3000s AC Current Clamp


The i3000s is a clamp-on AC Current Clamp for use with oscilloscopes and multimeters with banana input using the supplied Dual Banana to BNC Adapter.

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Product overview: Fluke i3000s AC Current Clamp

Very High AC Current Clamp

Fluke Current clamps are the ideal tools to extend the current ranges of Fluke tools.

The i3000s is a clamp-on AC Current Clamp for use with oscilloscopes and multimeters with banana input using the supplied Dual Banana to BNC Adapter. The clamp is optimized for measurement on power distribution systems.

Specifications: Fluke i3000s AC Current Clamp

Nominal current range 30 A
Continuous current range 1 A – 30 A
1 A – 300 A
1 A – 3000 A
Maximum non-destructive current 4000 A
Lowest measureable current 1 A
Basic accuracy 2% + 2 A
(48-65 Hz)
% reading + floorspec
Useable frequency 10 Hz – 100 kHz
Output level(s) 10 mv/A
1 mv/A
0.1 mv/A
Safety Specifications
Safety CAT III, 600 V
Maximum voltage 600 V AC
Mechanical and General Specifications
Warranty 1 year
Maximum conductor diameter 64 mm
Output cable length 2.1 m
BNC adapter Yes
